Monday, June 1, 2009

New Callings In April & May

Well I am a little behind. I will plan on doing this at least once a month. That way for those of you that either are unable to attend for any reason, you will at least be kept up to date on the happenings and not feel left out.

These are the callings, in no particular order or time frame:

Kristen Cheney----Gospel Essentials Teacher
Steve Bingham-----Sunday School Teacher
Terri Jensen------Primary Worker
Julie Ambri-------Primary Worker
Heather Morris----Activities Day Assistant
Nathan Mathison---Sunday School Teacher
Chuck Dvoracek----Primary Worker
Rick Carlsen------Stake High Council
Paul Jensen-------1st Counselor in the Bishopric

If I missed you I apologize. Please email me and I will add you onto my next list. If your calling is incorrect, also let me know so I can post a correction. I try to catch it all, but sometimes I get lost in the shuffle. :)