Happy Birthday to all of these sisters. We hope you have a very special day.
5 - Carolyn Hurler
5 - Janece Julian
7 - Julia Ball
8 - Amber Mason
10 - Whitney Schrah
10 - Gloria Ross
11 - Geraldine Blackburn
12 - Sharon McLaws
17 - Danalea Cope
19 - Bobby McCorkle
21 - Pamela Stavens
22 - Linda Herrera
22 - Carol Thomas
23 - Lauren Hancock
24 - Brenda Lowery
27 - Aurelia Lunt
28 - Carolyn Ward
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Relief Society General Broadcast
The General Broadcast for Relief Society will be on
Saturday, Sept. 29th at 5:00pm
Immediately Following we will have the
"Errand of Angels"
Drop of times will be announced in the coming weeks.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Coupons 101
Don't want to clip coupons, there are lots of ways to save without ever clipping coupons!
Take advantage of e-coupons, in-store reward programs, shop the great sales and get cash back for shopping online. The websites listed can help you with all of these.
Ad match-up websites: www.fabulesslygrugal.com, www.savingcentswithsense.net
Printable coupon websites: www.coupons.com, www.allyou.com, www.redplum.com, www.smartsource.com, www.target.com/coupons, www.couponnetwork.com
E-coupon websites: www.frysfood.com, www.safeway.com, www.pgesaver.com, www.cellfire.com, www.shortcuts.com, www.savingstar.com
Here are a couple other good sites as well: www.monthlymealplanner.com, www.kraftfoods.com, www.saymmm.com, www.dinnertool.com
Take advantage of e-coupons, in-store reward programs, shop the great sales and get cash back for shopping online. The websites listed can help you with all of these.
Ad match-up websites: www.fabulesslygrugal.com, www.savingcentswithsense.net
Printable coupon websites: www.coupons.com, www.allyou.com, www.redplum.com, www.smartsource.com, www.target.com/coupons, www.couponnetwork.com
E-coupon websites: www.frysfood.com, www.safeway.com, www.pgesaver.com, www.cellfire.com, www.shortcuts.com, www.savingstar.com
Here are a couple other good sites as well: www.monthlymealplanner.com, www.kraftfoods.com, www.saymmm.com, www.dinnertool.com
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
General Relief Sociey Meeting - Sept. 24, 2011
The General Relief Society Meeting was just awesome. If you missed going, you can watch it on LDS.org. I did take notes, so I am including them in this post.
Sister Beck
What I hope my granddaughters will understand about Relief Society:
Faithful women contributed to the discipleship of the Church.
We are participating in the Lord's work of salvation.
Called of God by prophesy.
Talent, times and means to be given in the wisdom of order.
We are an essential part of preparing those for the Temple.
We are Choice, Virtuous and Holy.
Temple blessings are the grand prize and great goal.
Temple is armed with power.
Women are given the greater responsibility of helping those receive the ordinances and blessings of the Temple.
Patterns of discipleship were developed from early on.
Provide relief to what hinders the joy of womanhood.
Safety, refuge and protection,
Visiting Teaching is an expression of discipleship and honoring covenants. Watch Care!! Follow a higher pattern in caring for the Lord's children. Sincerely know your sisters. Strengthen faith, give service.
"My visiting teacher helps me to grow spiritually and cares of me and my family"
Doesn't need to be asked when something is needed.
*Be An Inspired Visiting Teacher*
Seek inspiration.
Set a pattern of Discipleship.
The new Relief Society - "Daughters in my Kingdom", purposes, patterns and principles of disciples. The first Presidency has asked that we study this book. It is for "you" to lead the world. You are the head, not the tail. Serve in Unity to fulfill it's divine purposes.
Sister Allred
Work on increasing Faith and strengthening the home.
Charity - don't be limited in your views of others
Charity is a state of being.
Have kind feelings and loving actions.
Charity is a Divine Gift that we must seek and pray for.
Reading the scriptures daily.
Minister to all those around you and give to those in need.
Have kindness, affection, compassion and concern. Be generous.
Having patience, resistance to becoming hurt easily or categorizing others and judging based on outward appearance.
Visiting Teaching: Love, minister and serve others Care, lift, comfort, encourage and teach the sisters you teach. Providing service helps us to overcome our own burdens. Your small acts of charity have a healing power for yourself and others. Pray for a desire to be filled with the love of Charity
Sister Thompson
Cleve unto your Covenants.
Keep your covenants and the joy and protection you will get from it.
Prepare his daughters for the greater blessings of the priesthood in the Temple.
Covenants sustain us in good and difficult times.
The Temple is the center and source of our covenants.
There is Joy through faithfulness in keeping your covenants.
Bear every trial.
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
"Forget-me-not" flower - is the smaller, not so easily seen flower
Metaphor - Five petals to remember things
1. "Forget Not" to be Patient with yourself. The people you think are perfect are not. You and I aren't perfect. You and I aren't perfect. Don't compare yourself to others. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Stop punishing yourslef for not being perfect.
Be patient and compassionate with yourself.
Tiny to you and unnoticed by others - Doesn't go unnoticed by God.
FHE- should be enjoyable, spiritual and bring us closer together.
Journey towards perfection is long, but has many joys.
2. "Forget Not" Good Sacrifice & Foolish Sacrifice
Am I committing time and energy to the things that matter most?
3. "Forget Not" To be Happy Now.
In Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory people yearn to find the Golden Ticket and forget the simple joy of the candy bar. There is nothing wrong with righteous yearnings and desires.
Varooka failed to notice the blessings that she did have by only waiting for the Golden Ticket.
Never stop hoping or striving for your righteous desires.
Always seek the sweetness and the treasure of daily moments.
4. "Forget Not' the "Why" of the gospel. Don't focus on what and how of the gospel and remember why.
The gospel is not an obligation, it's a pathway. By focusing on the "Why" it ceases to become a burdenship. See the beauty, majesty and joy of the "Why"
5. "Forge Not" the Lord loves you. You are not forgotten!! Whatever your circumstances are, dark your days are or insignificant you seem. Your Heavenly Father loves you.
We are daughters of his kingdom.
Allow his divine love into your life.
You are closer to Heaven than you suppose.
Cherish the gift of activity and service.
Search out those that need yours and the Lords help.
Let the "Why" of the Gospel Inspire and Uplift you.
Never forget you're truly precious daughters in God's kingdom.
Sister Beck
What I hope my granddaughters will understand about Relief Society:
Faithful women contributed to the discipleship of the Church.
We are participating in the Lord's work of salvation.
Called of God by prophesy.
Talent, times and means to be given in the wisdom of order.
We are an essential part of preparing those for the Temple.
We are Choice, Virtuous and Holy.
Temple blessings are the grand prize and great goal.
Temple is armed with power.
Women are given the greater responsibility of helping those receive the ordinances and blessings of the Temple.
Patterns of discipleship were developed from early on.
Provide relief to what hinders the joy of womanhood.
Safety, refuge and protection,
Visiting Teaching is an expression of discipleship and honoring covenants. Watch Care!! Follow a higher pattern in caring for the Lord's children. Sincerely know your sisters. Strengthen faith, give service.
"My visiting teacher helps me to grow spiritually and cares of me and my family"
Doesn't need to be asked when something is needed.
*Be An Inspired Visiting Teacher*
Seek inspiration.
Set a pattern of Discipleship.
The new Relief Society - "Daughters in my Kingdom", purposes, patterns and principles of disciples. The first Presidency has asked that we study this book. It is for "you" to lead the world. You are the head, not the tail. Serve in Unity to fulfill it's divine purposes.
Sister Allred
Work on increasing Faith and strengthening the home.
Charity - don't be limited in your views of others
Charity is a state of being.
Have kind feelings and loving actions.
Charity is a Divine Gift that we must seek and pray for.
Reading the scriptures daily.
Minister to all those around you and give to those in need.
Have kindness, affection, compassion and concern. Be generous.
Having patience, resistance to becoming hurt easily or categorizing others and judging based on outward appearance.
Visiting Teaching: Love, minister and serve others Care, lift, comfort, encourage and teach the sisters you teach. Providing service helps us to overcome our own burdens. Your small acts of charity have a healing power for yourself and others. Pray for a desire to be filled with the love of Charity
Sister Thompson
Cleve unto your Covenants.
Keep your covenants and the joy and protection you will get from it.
Prepare his daughters for the greater blessings of the priesthood in the Temple.
Covenants sustain us in good and difficult times.
The Temple is the center and source of our covenants.
There is Joy through faithfulness in keeping your covenants.
Bear every trial.
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
"Forget-me-not" flower - is the smaller, not so easily seen flower
Metaphor - Five petals to remember things
1. "Forget Not" to be Patient with yourself. The people you think are perfect are not. You and I aren't perfect. You and I aren't perfect. Don't compare yourself to others. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Stop punishing yourslef for not being perfect.
Be patient and compassionate with yourself.
Tiny to you and unnoticed by others - Doesn't go unnoticed by God.
FHE- should be enjoyable, spiritual and bring us closer together.
Journey towards perfection is long, but has many joys.
2. "Forget Not" Good Sacrifice & Foolish Sacrifice
Am I committing time and energy to the things that matter most?
3. "Forget Not" To be Happy Now.
In Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory people yearn to find the Golden Ticket and forget the simple joy of the candy bar. There is nothing wrong with righteous yearnings and desires.
Varooka failed to notice the blessings that she did have by only waiting for the Golden Ticket.
Never stop hoping or striving for your righteous desires.
Always seek the sweetness and the treasure of daily moments.
4. "Forget Not' the "Why" of the gospel. Don't focus on what and how of the gospel and remember why.
The gospel is not an obligation, it's a pathway. By focusing on the "Why" it ceases to become a burdenship. See the beauty, majesty and joy of the "Why"
5. "Forge Not" the Lord loves you. You are not forgotten!! Whatever your circumstances are, dark your days are or insignificant you seem. Your Heavenly Father loves you.
We are daughters of his kingdom.
Allow his divine love into your life.
You are closer to Heaven than you suppose.
Cherish the gift of activity and service.
Search out those that need yours and the Lords help.
Let the "Why" of the Gospel Inspire and Uplift you.
Never forget you're truly precious daughters in God's kingdom.
Friday, October 15, 2010
October Relief Society Meeting
The Relief Society Meeting for October will be held on Thursday 21st.
There will be a Treat Swap and also Pumpkin Carving. Come and Enjoy the evening.
There will be a Treat Swap and also Pumpkin Carving. Come and Enjoy the evening.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
October 4th Sunday Lesson Schedule
October - He is Risen!
"He is Risen" Pres. Thomas S. Monson
"He Lives! All Glory to His Name" Elder Richard G. Scott
September 4th Sunday Lesson Schedule
September - "The Blessing of Scripture" Elder D. Todd Christofferson
August 4th Sunday Lesson Schedule
August - Blessing our Youth
"Watching with all Perseverance" Elder David a. Bednar
"Mothers Teaching Children in the Home" Elder L. Tom Perry
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Relief Society Presidency
President - Kathy Carlsen 480-654-8488
First Counselor - Sharon McLaws 480-306-4154
Second Counselor - Julie Martin 80-654-4999
Secretary - Mary Ellen Loose 480-516-8221
First Counselor - Sharon McLaws 480-306-4154
Second Counselor - Julie Martin 80-654-4999
Secretary - Mary Ellen Loose 480-516-8221
Visiting Teaching
Our opportunity to minister to each other. How we need one another! There is such a power in righteous Sisterhood.
August Lesson Schedule
8th - Gospel Principles Lesson #15
15th - Gospel Principles Lesson # 16
22nd - May Ensign Pages 29-31 and 40-43
29th - To Be Announced
15th - Gospel Principles Lesson # 16
22nd - May Ensign Pages 29-31 and 40-43
29th - To Be Announced
August Birthdays
2nd - Dorothy Newman
8th - Karen Vangelov
10th - Ruth Monroe
11th - Terri Jensen
14th - Shelli Gibbons
17th - Marcie Allen
19th - Carrie Neus
21st - Bekah Dannenberg
21st - Elaine Hill
25th - Jenifer Crowder
30th - Kathy Thompson
8th - Karen Vangelov
10th - Ruth Monroe
11th - Terri Jensen
14th - Shelli Gibbons
17th - Marcie Allen
19th - Carrie Neus
21st - Bekah Dannenberg
21st - Elaine Hill
25th - Jenifer Crowder
30th - Kathy Thompson
New Callings
Carolyn Gabbitas - Relief Society Instructor
Lucille Coombs - Visiting Teaching Coordinator
Jessie Meyer-Stein - First Counselor YW Presidency
Helena Gray - Primary Worker
Valerie Jensen - Activities Day Worker
Lucille Coombs - Visiting Teaching Coordinator
Jessie Meyer-Stein - First Counselor YW Presidency
Helena Gray - Primary Worker
Valerie Jensen - Activities Day Worker
Monday, March 8, 2010
Kids in the Park
Kids in the Park meet every Wednesday morning at 9:30 AM at Ensenada Park. Come enjoy the morning letting your child(ren) play while visiting with friends.
Temple Days
The Relief Society has set two times that we will attend the Temple as a sisterhood. We will go the second Tuesday of the month at 2:00 PM and the second Saturday of the month at 8:00 AM. We would like as many sisters as possible to go to at least one of these two times. If you need a ride you can contact any of the Relief Society Presidency or email adobevillawardrs@gmail.com. We will do our best to make sure everyone has a way to get there.
March Birthdays
2nd Kristie Kempton
3rd Carolyn Gabbitas
5th Valerie Jensen
6th Fran Olsen
8th Bette Frassa
10th Margaret Shreeve
10th Jaime Jones
11th Lori Bottomley
12th Darlene Baker
13th Ashley Guiterrez
14th Brenda Eldredge
18th Shana Wilson
20th Cielo Barrett
22nd Sandra Heywood
23rd Ila Gold
24th Grace Mejia
28th Joyce Fuller
29th Kelly Taynor
3rd Carolyn Gabbitas
5th Valerie Jensen
6th Fran Olsen
8th Bette Frassa
10th Margaret Shreeve
10th Jaime Jones
11th Lori Bottomley
12th Darlene Baker
13th Ashley Guiterrez
14th Brenda Eldredge
18th Shana Wilson
20th Cielo Barrett
22nd Sandra Heywood
23rd Ila Gold
24th Grace Mejia
28th Joyce Fuller
29th Kelly Taynor
15 Minute Emergency Kit
With four major earthquakes occurring around the world in the last two months (three of them just in the last 2 weeks, and one of those just yesterday), emergency preparation has probably been on quite a few minds recently. I even heard a spot from our state's governor on the radio yesterday letting everyone know of our state's preparedness web site and other resources.
One of the main things that is suggested on most of the government and community preparation web sites is to have an emergency "kit" (sometimes called a 72-hour kit or a bug-out bag) for each member of the family, that contains items that would be useful in possible emergency situations.
There are many options for kits out there - you can purchase pre-assembled kits, you can make your own, or you can do a combination of both. As an aspiring "frugalista", I really wanted to make my own because I was pretty sure I could do it for pretty cheap, and doing my own meant I could customize it for my family's needs.
In an emergency situation, the top priorities are water, wound care and sanitation/hygiene. You can go a few days without food. You can go for weeks without a shower or brushing your teeth or shampooing your hair if you had to (no, it wouldn't be pretty, and it might be downright miserable, but you'd at least survive).
But you CAN'T go for very long without water. And if you happen to get a wound (which is quite likely in an emergency) and it gets infected and is untreated, you just plain WON'T be able to go for very long - period.

small backpack
bottled water [it's not the recommended 3 gallons, but it's certainly better than nothing, and you can add more if space and weight allow]
assorted adhesive bandages
antiseptic wash (or alcohol wipes or iodine)
antibiotic ointment
otc pain relievers
any prescription meds you take on a daily basis
food for 1 day [I just grabbed 6 granola/nut bars - convenient, no cooking required, and could be easily rationed if needed]
bar of soap
roll of toilet paper
(for the gals) feminine hygiene products
[If you have a young child, you might want to include a baby blanket, cloth or disposable diaper(s) and possibly a bottle and formula]
It took about 15 minutes to gather all these items. There was still about 6 inches of room at the top of the backpack, and even with the water bottle included, the entire pack only weighed 5lb 10oz. It was fast, cheap (all items came from around my house already) and lightweight.
Remember, this is not a deluxe version. This is just a quick put-together kit that you can do on the cheap that will get you started. But even this bare-basics kit will still get you a lot farther in an emergency situation than having no kit at all.
Of course, the idea is that you can then add to and customize your kit as time and finances and circumstances allow. There are many more things you might want to add if space and weight will allow. But even if you don't add anything else, at least you'll have something put together should the need ever arise (but hopefully it won't).
Here's a quick list of other things you might want to add on (and this is by no means an exhaustive list):
trash bag/rain poncho
copies of important documents (birth certificates, IDs, contact information, etc.)
additional first aid supplies
change of clothes and additional cold weather items (hat, gloves, etc.)
additional personal hygiene items (shampoo, toothpaste, wet wipes, razor, etc.)
knife or survival tool
additional food
solar blanket
water purification tablets or water filtering device
hand sanitizer
[For additional resources, check out www.ready.gov or www.fema.gov/areyouready.]
One of the main things that is suggested on most of the government and community preparation web sites is to have an emergency "kit" (sometimes called a 72-hour kit or a bug-out bag) for each member of the family, that contains items that would be useful in possible emergency situations.
There are many options for kits out there - you can purchase pre-assembled kits, you can make your own, or you can do a combination of both. As an aspiring "frugalista", I really wanted to make my own because I was pretty sure I could do it for pretty cheap, and doing my own meant I could customize it for my family's needs.
In an emergency situation, the top priorities are water, wound care and sanitation/hygiene. You can go a few days without food. You can go for weeks without a shower or brushing your teeth or shampooing your hair if you had to (no, it wouldn't be pretty, and it might be downright miserable, but you'd at least survive).
But you CAN'T go for very long without water. And if you happen to get a wound (which is quite likely in an emergency) and it gets infected and is untreated, you just plain WON'T be able to go for very long - period.
small backpack
bottled water [it's not the recommended 3 gallons, but it's certainly better than nothing, and you can add more if space and weight allow]
assorted adhesive bandages
antiseptic wash (or alcohol wipes or iodine)
antibiotic ointment
otc pain relievers
any prescription meds you take on a daily basis
food for 1 day [I just grabbed 6 granola/nut bars - convenient, no cooking required, and could be easily rationed if needed]
bar of soap
roll of toilet paper
(for the gals) feminine hygiene products
[If you have a young child, you might want to include a baby blanket, cloth or disposable diaper(s) and possibly a bottle and formula]
It took about 15 minutes to gather all these items. There was still about 6 inches of room at the top of the backpack, and even with the water bottle included, the entire pack only weighed 5lb 10oz. It was fast, cheap (all items came from around my house already) and lightweight.
Remember, this is not a deluxe version. This is just a quick put-together kit that you can do on the cheap that will get you started. But even this bare-basics kit will still get you a lot farther in an emergency situation than having no kit at all.
Of course, the idea is that you can then add to and customize your kit as time and finances and circumstances allow. There are many more things you might want to add if space and weight will allow. But even if you don't add anything else, at least you'll have something put together should the need ever arise (but hopefully it won't).
Here's a quick list of other things you might want to add on (and this is by no means an exhaustive list):
trash bag/rain poncho
copies of important documents (birth certificates, IDs, contact information, etc.)
additional first aid supplies
change of clothes and additional cold weather items (hat, gloves, etc.)
additional personal hygiene items (shampoo, toothpaste, wet wipes, razor, etc.)
knife or survival tool
additional food
solar blanket
water purification tablets or water filtering device
hand sanitizer
[For additional resources, check out www.ready.gov or www.fema.gov/areyouready.]
Freezing Cheese

You can easily freeze cheese in your freezer, so if you find that killer deal on cheese, or if you are like me and you scavenge the discount bins and are buying cheese close to the best before date, you can easily freeze it for use later.
If you are using cheese for cheese sauce, pasta noodles, etc, grate the cheese first, and then freeze in either a freezer bag or with your food saver. As it freezes, remove it from the freezer a few times to shake it, so the cheese doesn't stick together as it freezes. This way, you can grab just as much cheese as you need.
Note: did you know that the “cheese companies” put additives in the shredded cheese to make it not stick together? YUCK!
If you would like to freeze it in blocks, do note that the cheese will change texture slightly. So it will be fine for grilled cheese, for example, but not as good for cheese and crackers. Wrap the cheese well in foil or plastic wrap, wrapping as tightly as possible to prevent air reaching the cheese. Then place in a bag, squeezing as much air as possible.
Plan to use frozen cheese within 4 to 6 months. Thaw cheese in the refrigerator. Use soon after thawing.
The cheeses that freeze best are brick, Camembert, cheddar, Edam, mozzarella, muenster, Parmesan, provolone, Romano and Swiss. Blue cheeses are more prone to becoming crumbly but they'll still taste good. Cream cheese and cottage cheese do not freeze well.

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